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New School Opening in Minato-ku! An interview with Mr. Joshua Oyo, COO of Capital Tokyo Tokyo International School

New School Opening in Minato-ku! An interview with Mr. Joshua Oyo, COO of Capital Tokyo Tokyo International School

New School Opening in Minato-ku! An interview with Mr. Joshua Oyo, Chief Operating Officer of Capital Tokyo International School.Minato Ward is a fierce battleground for international schools. The school has also announced plans to open a kindergarten and middle school in April 2023 and a high school in April 2027.

Minato Ward is a fierce battleground for international schools.

●Entrance: Two thermo cameras and two disinfectant stations are used to prevent COVID-19. You can enter the school by scanning a school issued ID card, ensuring a secure school campus.

This spring, the elementary school of Capital Tokyo International School (CTIS), led by Takahiro Sato, founder of LITALICO Corporation, opened in Minato-ku.
The school has also announced plans to open a kindergarten and middle school in April 2023 and a high school in April 2027.
Our editorial team visited the newly opened CTIS and talked to Mr. Joshua Oyo, COO, about the school!

International School as Startup

CTIS is an international school whose mission is to provide distinctive and practical knowledge. Focusing on the ability to actually “apply” knowledge in a rapidly changing society, CTIS has four distinctive features.

【Features of CTIS】
PBL (Practical-Based Learning)
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
International Baccalaureate Curriculum (application for PYP candidacy in 2022)
Trilinguallanguage acquisition (English, Japanese, and Mandarin)

CTIS aims to foster problem-solving learning, which can be used in everyday society, and practical education connected to PBL. Simultaneously our STEAM curriculum is leavage with practical PBL, promoting synergy between the two class types. The results are highly effective learning experiences for CTIS students that are also practical in application.

An important aspect of practical PBL is that it is taught in small classroom environments by faculty members with acute business sense and by practitioners who are currently active in the business world,.The teacher-student ratio at CTIS is targeted to be 1:10.

●Classroom: Small classes in a relaxed atmosphere with digital blackboards and remote learning stations.

●School opening schedule : elementary school opening in April 2022, kindergarten and middle school in April 2023, and high school in April 2027.

The tuition is cost-effective!

Some people may imagine that the small teacher-student ratio of 1:10, combined with the IB curriculum, trilingual education in Japanese, English, and Chinese, and practical PBL education would lead to high tuition fees.

However, the tuition at CTIS is very reasonable when compared to most international schools. We are not only promoting a cosmopolitan environment and equality in terms of learning, but also in terms of tuition.

Parents often ask us how we are able to offer such high quality classes and operate the school at such low tuition rates, and this is largely due to our founder, Mr. Sato.

In addition to being the founder of LITALICO, Sato is also an angel investor. He has invested in about 40 startups at this time, and with the practical resources of his many portfolio companies, he is able to provide CTIS students with hands-on learning opportunities while keeping tuition cost low.

Among the unique classes offered by CTIS will be a class on FinTech taught by a partner at Anderson Mori & Tomotsune / New York State attorney, a class on accounting taught by a CPA, and visits to high-profile start-up companies, which are not available to ordinary schools and which even adults would be willing to pay to attend.

About Takahiro Sato, Founder and Chairman of the Board.

While attending university, Mr. Sato commercialized facilities for the disabled and nursing homes for the elderly. Later as a new graduate, he was appointed as a section manager of the Nagano prefectural office and then, at the age of 24, became a director of the prefectural office. After departing the prefectural office, he founded LITALICO Inc. (a publicly listed company on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange), which provides employment support and assistance for people who have difficulty finding employment, becoming the elected representative director for the company. Subsequently, he retired from LITALICO in order to run for the mayor of Sendai. Currently, Mr. Sato is a serial entrepreneur with his company SEKAISHA and oversees a medical corporation group, as well as recently founding the CTIS corporation. As an angel investor, Mr. Sato supports about 40 start-up companies in the entertainment business such as movies and is participating in the establishment of companies researching and developing pharmaceuticals. He is also supporting the education of children, our future leaders of tomorrow, by establishing an incorporated education foundation.

A refined campus with minimal under utilized space

The CTIS campus may appear compact at first glance, with only two floors in a building in Minami-Azabu, but we have thoroughly cut down on unused space to create efficient and flexible school areas.

●Entrance: Two thermo cameras and two disinfectant stations are used to prevent COVID-19. You can enter the school by scanning a school issued ID card, ensuring a secure school campus.

●Hall: Spacious open learning areas just inside the 4th floor entrance; gym space for karate, dance and gymnastics on the 5th floor.

●Classrooms: The capacity of 20 students per grade in the elementary school was filled immediately after the recruiting announcement.

●Kindergarten playroom: All toys in this room are made by a specialized German manufacturer on behalf of Bornelund. The educational toys are also provided by first-rate companies sourcing durable, high end materials.

●Ball Pool: A ball pool that is sure to delight toddlers. The editorial staff also had a chance to experience it.

●VR room: students will participate in STEAM classes here with the latest VR materials. In the future, CTIS plans to produce VR content.

●Overall view of the campus (4th floor): Reducing under utilized space and creating flexible areas.

●Overall view of the campus (5th floor): compact but efficient and sophisticated.

CTIS strives for efficiency, but at the same time, we do not forget about the high quality of everything we offer. For example, I (Mr.Oyo) personally went out and took great care in the selection of the furniture, books, and toys at CTISwhile also paying close attention to specific details, ensuring that CTIS had the best products and materials.

For furniture, we held meetings with various domestic manufacturers, communicated our campus image in detail, and had the furniture custom-made specifically for CTIS For books, we invested more than 10 million yen for a collection of 5,000 popular titles in English and Japanese. All toys were made by a specialized German manufacturer on behalf of the Bornelund company We wanted to make sure that everything CTIS offers children was state-of-the-art and of the highest quality.

Pursuing efficiency but not forgetting hospitality

CTIS provides laptops, Microsoft Office software, and cloud school space from the first grade of elementary school, and strives for paperless classroom.

We want our school students to be able to use digital devices and creative tools as well as learn from knowledgable working professionals, therefore the IT literacy of the instructors and administrative staff at CTIS who support students is very high.

Schools in general have an ingrained preferences for paper with lots of inefficiencies, such as letters from the school, but CTIS avoids this issue.

The same is true with regard to the countermeasures against the COVID-19 in terms of the absence of unreasonableness due to inefficiency: at CTIS, only the administrative staff are obliged to wear masks. Teachers and students take their temperature at the entrance and if their temperature is below 37.5 degrees Celsius, then they come to school and switch to wearing face shields. CTIS prefers face shield due to the fact that teachers need to see students mouths when teaching them an additional language.

I (Mr.Oyo) studied public health, etc. at Toho University Graduate School of Medicine, and CTIS pays more attention than others to the prevention of COVID-19 infection. The school is lavishly equipped with the latest virus elimination equipment air purifiers called Airdog, and is well-equipped with additional air purifiers and disinfectant solutions, with classrooms being regularly ventilated.

Therefore, CTIS does not cancel school events or classes without adaquate factsbased on medical evidence. CTIStakes thorough measures to prevent COVID-19 in the school.

We are also very conscious of our hospitality to parents, but not only in pursuit of efficiency. For example, parents at long-established interntional schoolsare expected to be fluent in English, and communication with the school is often clerical and inorganic, but not at CTIS.

We do not require parents to speak any English. We want parents to speak to us in English, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever language they feel most comfortable communicating with the school staff about their current concerns and expectations for the future.

We value parents’ feelings about their children and their education. We are always ready to answer all questions, no matter how long the inquiry may be.

Many of the parents of CTIS are executives of publicly listed companies and business corporations, medical practitioners, famous restaurant owners, and other people with high social status and busy daily lives.

●COO, Mr Oyo Joshua’s bio

Mr. Oyo has a MBA degree from the Waseda University and a law degree from the Nanzan University, as well as an Certificate in Education for Technology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and an Executive Certificate from the Cornell University Hotel School in the United States. Currently, Mr. Oyo is enrolled in the Minerva University in the Master of Science in Decision Analysis program. He’s now studying for his doctorate at the Graduate School of Medicine at Toho University.

I want to create a stir in Japan’s school education and deviation score supremacy.

I (Joshua) am currently studying in the MDA program at Minerva University and the doctoral program at Toho University Graduate School of Medicine,meanshile, I am working fulltime at CTIS.

I have studied and worked in many countries, and I think that the Japanese “school name worship” based on test scores is clearly a bad, archaic idea of Japanese society, and a relic from a prehistoric educational culture that does not fit in today’s global society.

Japanese entrance examinations are generally one-shot paper tests. For example, they do not ask students, “Please show us your value and why our school should accept you?” As long as a student achieves a passing score, they are accepted.

In Japan, junior high school entrance examinations are becoming increasingly high stakes and controversial , and many Japanese elementary school students are studying daily for the top testscore rankings announced by the cram school industry, aiming for a school with at least one strong brand name, without even considering the characteristics of the school.

And even after entering junior high school, students begin to double-school, this time at cram school and school to prepare for their future university entrance exam.

Students are expected to follow the rules and study materials given to them by their parents and cram schools, and to get into a university with a good name in the eyes of the public. At times, there are terrible fights between parents and children over the entrance examinations, causing cracks and faults within the family relationships

This is different from the examinations I have experienced. For example, in the AO examinations of Minerva and many Western universities, applicants are required to submit a Statement of Purpose (different from the so-called “statement of purpose”). In addition, they are given a specific theme and asked to write a logical and creative essay on that theme. The next step is an interview in which you have to inform the school what you want to major in and what you want to use the school for, as well as demonstrate yourenthusiasm and values. Unfortunately, in Japan today, AO entrance examinations are considered as an easy route when compared to entrance examinations and are looked down upon as foolish. Even among students who entered the same university, those who entered through general entrance examinations are generally considered superior to those who entered through AO examinations.

In Western countries, people do not worship famous school names like the Japanese do. The name of the school is secondary. First of all, the major is important: what field the student is interested in and what he/she wants to accomplish. For example, the University of Texas at Austin is well known for accounting, MIT is known for computer science, Stanford for entrepreneurship,and you can see that the prestigious Harvard University is known as not the best in all areas of specialization.

Teachers and staff at overseas high schools decide which university is best from a whole picture perspective, considering globality, tuition fees, security of the location, and other factors among universities where students can study majors they are interested in.

This is different from private preparatory schools in Japan, where it is not “how many students did we let into the University of Tokyo this year? Education that respects students’ interests and hobbies is what is needed during the period of character development.

There is also a big difference between going abroad after college or graduate school and being exposed to non-Japanese culture and education from a much younger age. We want our students to be open-minded people who can look at things objectively, not being burdenedwith entrenched values.

Through daily classes taught by a school principal and teachers with a wealth of educational experience, we value the “WHY” of CTIS students and seek to nurture their ability to think and inquire.

We also encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions with each other, which will lead to deeper learning. In addition to classes, CTIS offers a variety of hands-on learning opportunities to foster students’ creativity through experiences of thinking, planning, and implementing ideas an example of student agency at CTIS.

We hope to create a stir in Japanese school education as an innovator as well as a novel international school created by Japanese people.

Editorial Summary

When I first entered the CTIS campus, I felt like I was in a dynamic start-up office in Silicon Valley. The office is compact but lean and sophisticated, and everyone is working freely and energetically.

When COO Joshua told me the founding story of the founder, Takahiro Sato, I was convinced that this is not a school or an international school framework, but one startup created by the school and parents.

This is a special place where students can efficiently learn what they need to know in society and learn practical lessons from professionals who are at the forefront of society. The Japanese education industry is going to be forced to change due to the presence of CTIS, which is always aware of what is going to happen in the next few years and efficiently accelerates innovation.


Location:〒106-0047 Minami-Azabu building 4F & 5F, Minami-azabu4-11-30, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-6427-7133
Website: https://www.capitaltokyo.com/

【CTIS Official Youtube Channel】

【CTIS Official Instagram】


インターナショナルスクールタイムズの編集長として、執筆しながら国際教育評論家として、NHK、日本経済新聞やフジテレビ ホンマでっかTV、東洋経済、プレジデント、日本テレビ、TOKYO FMなど各メディアにコメント及びインタビューが掲載されています。






【インタビュー】24年4月幼稚部開園、今後高校部も開校へ 注目のCTIS

【インタビュー】24年4月幼稚部開園、今後高校部も開校へ 注目のCTIS

キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール(以下、CTIS)は、2022年4月に小学部 (Grade 1 - Grade 5)を開校し、23年4月に中学部 (Grade 6 - Grade 9) を開校しました。今後、24年4月渋谷に幼稚部、高校部を開校予定です。2年目を迎えた今、どのようにスクール運営は変化しているのでしょうか。同校教育事業部の山田亜希子部長にインタビューをお願いしました。



2022年4月に東京都港区に株式会社LITALICOの創業者、佐藤崇弘氏が率いるCapital Tokyo International School (以下、CTIS)の小学部が開校しました。編集部は、CTISが開校し六ヶ月目にどのような学校になっているのか、取材をさせていただきました。同校の特徴、4つ(国際バカロレア、PBL、社会につながるPBLと STEAM教育、中国語)でした。

港区に新規開校!Capital Tokyo International School 最高執行責任者のジョシュア氏にインタビュー

港区に新規開校!Capital Tokyo International School 最高執行責任者のジョシュア氏にインタビュー

港区に新規開校!Capital Tokyo International School 最高執行責任者のジョシュア氏にインタビュー!インターナショナルスクールの激戦区である港区。 その港区に株式会社LITALICOの創業者、佐藤崇弘氏が率いるCapital Tokyo International School (以下、CTIS)の小学部が、今春開校します。 さらに2023年4月に幼稚部と中学部を、2027年4月に高校部を開校する計画も発表されました。編集部では、オープンしたばかりのCTISを訪問し、COOのジョシュア氏に同校の魅力について伺いました!



【独占インタビュー】LITALICO創業者の佐藤崇弘氏は、なぜ、東京都港区に幼小中高のインターナショナルスクールを開校するのか?2022年4月に開校計画のCapital Tokyo International School (CTIS)は、東京都港区南麻布で開校します。4月から小学部1年~4年生入学者募集を開始します。 実践型教育(PBL)、STEAMと英語・日本語・中国語の三ヵ国語、国際バカロレアPYPの候補校への申請も準備中です。2023年4月に幼稚部および中学部も同時開校する計画です。


サレジアン国際学園小学校 大橋学園長インタビュー

サレジアン国際学園小学校 大橋学園長インタビュー


世界規模のVEXロボティクス大会 セントメリーズ・インターナショナルスクールで開催

世界規模のVEXロボティクス大会 セントメリーズ・インターナショナルスクールで開催


国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム PYPとはどのような学びなのか? キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクールの探究学習

国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム PYPとはどのような学びなのか? キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクールの探究学習

多くのインターナショナルスクールで採用されている国際バカロレアという教育プログラムですが、探究学習を取り入れた授業が人気の初等教育プログラムPYP(プライマリーイヤーズプログラム)では、実際にどのような授業が行われているのでしょうか? 今回は港区にあるキャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール(以下CTIS)を訪れ、5年生のユニットの授業を見学させていただきました。




【速報!】26年4月 サレジアン国際学園小学校開校へ インターナショナルクラスも

【速報!】26年4月 サレジアン国際学園小学校開校へ インターナショナルクラスも
