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【EVENT】MEXT’s "Creating a Health and Hygiene Environment and the System in a School" at March 9, 2023

【EVENT】MEXT’s "Creating a Health and Hygiene Environment and the System in a School" at March 9, 2023

The MEXT Foreign School Health and Hygiene Platform Office will hold an event for foreign schools, international schools, and preschools titled "Creating a Health and Hygiene Environment and System to Protect Children in Foreign Schools" on Thursday, March 9, 2012. The event will be held on Thursday, March 9.

From the MEXT Foreign School Health and Hygiene Platform

The MEXT Foreign School Health and Hygiene Platform Office will hold an event for foreign schools, international schools, and preschools titled "Creating a Health and Hygiene Environment and System to Protect Children in Foreign Schools" on Thursday, March 9, 2012. The event will be held on Thursday, March 9.

MEXT’s Health and Hygiene Information Website for Schools for Foreign Students


This website provides information on health and hygiene including novel coronavirus to young Japanese learners in schools for foreign students, their guardians, and education providers in schools for foreign students.

In this seminar, we will provide information on "creating an environment and system for health and hygiene" including infectious diseases in foreign schools and international schools, from an expert in infectious diseases and school health and hygiene, in an easy-to-understand manner.

~Are you worried about the following problems? ~Are you worried about the following problems?

What should I do to prevent infectious diseases in my school?
Who do I turn to when I have a health and sanitation problem?
What information should I refer to when I receive an inquiry?

We hope that people who have such concerns will find this information useful.


Shinagawa Season Terrace Hall / Online delivery (Zoom)

Target Audience
Staff of international schools and schools for foreigners, especially those who are in charge of health and hygiene
Parents and guardians of children attending foreign schools and international schools
Local government officials and people involved with foreign schools and health and sanitation, etc.


1. opening remarks
  Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

2. Introduction of "MEXT Platform Project for School Health and Sanitation for Foreigners"
  Mediphone Corporation

3.Outbreak situation of infectious diseases such as new coronas and the basics of infectious disease countermeasures to be taken at schools 【30min】
Dr. Shigemi Hori
Creating an environment and system for school health and hygiene【30】minutes
Dr. Kunihiko Kitagaki

4. Q&A (in Japanese)

Multilingual support
Online only, consecutive interpretation in English and Portuguese.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Foreign School Health and Hygiene Platform Project

For inquiries, please contact
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Foreign School Health and Hygiene Platform Office (Mediphone Co., Ltd.)
TEL: 050-3187-8114 (Weekdays 9:00-18:00) (Multilingual consultation service)


インターナショナルスクールタイムズの編集長として、執筆しながら国際教育評論家として、NHK、日本経済新聞やフジテレビ ホンマでっかTV、東洋経済、プレジデント、日本テレビ、TOKYO FMなど各メディアにコメント及びインタビューが掲載されています。




Foreign School Healt


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国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム PYPとはどのような学びなのか? キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクールの探究学習

多くのインターナショナルスクールで採用されている国際バカロレアという教育プログラムですが、探究学習を取り入れた授業が人気の初等教育プログラムPYP(プライマリーイヤーズプログラム)では、実際にどのような授業が行われているのでしょうか? 今回は港区にあるキャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール(以下CTIS)を訪れ、5年生のユニットの授業を見学させていただきました。




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