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Hayama International School Expands to Shirokanedai

Hayama International School Expands to Shirokanedai

Hatayama International School’s new campus houses children from ages 2 to 6, and is due to open in Shirokanedai Minato-ku, Tokyo on September 2017.


Hayama International School Expands to Shirokanedai

Hatayama International School’s new campus houses children from ages 2 to 6, and is due to open in Shirokanedai Minato-ku, Tokyo on September 2017.

The location 5-17-1 Shirokanedai Minato-ku, Tokyo faces Gaien Nishi-Dori, also known as Platinum Street.

Behind the campus is The Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum which holds the Institute of Nature Study and former Prince Asaka Residence.

Capacity, tuition fee, curriculum and other information will soon be available on the official website.

What is Hayama International School?

Founded in 2004, Hayama International School follows "Play, Think and Learn" as their educational philosophy. Its curriculum teaches children about individuality, creativity, and global vision to support their inner growth.

Obtained from Hayama International School Official Website.

The Hayama International School Shirokanedai Campus will become a branch school of the Hayama International School at Hayama-shi, Kanagawa.

There is diversity among the students.

The unique curriculum adopts elements of the Waldorf education and Montessori education in order to educate Japanese people to become fully functional in a global society. There are currently about 300 students in both morning and afternoon classes.

Diversity in the classroom allows students to engage with people from different backgrounds.

There are more than 1000 students who study here including summer school and spring school.

Students will wear a red gown for graduation, representing their school color.

The school moved to its current location in Kanagawa on April 2009, where it is surrounded by nature with a scenic view of Mt. Fuji and Sagami Bay.

Hayama International School campus.

Thoughts on Opening the Shirokanedai Campus

Founder Mr. Shinsaku Tanaka commented on their official Facebook page as follows.

We strive to educate students in a city-like atmosphere. Let's share the experiences we have at this school surrounded by beautiful nature with children in the city! We aim to build a school where students can share their values and feel proud of themselves.

Hayama International School is definitely worth keeping an eye out for as it expands its school to Shirokane.


Hayama International School

4427-1 Akiya, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa
TEL : 046-855-5112 
FAX : 046-855-5113



神奈川県にあります、葉山インターナショナルスクールは、Play, Think, and Learnを教育理念に、のびのびと優雅な環境で日々楽しく学習を行うインターナショナルスクールです。



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東京都港区白金に葉山インターナショナルスクールの白金校があります。 2歳から学べる幼稚部は、プラチナ通り(外苑西通り)に面したガラス張りの建物。葉山インターナショナルスクール白金校の本校は、御用邸で有名な湘南の「葉山」に本校があるため。葉山インターナショナルスクールの本校は、幼稚部、小学部があり、アメリカ人比率の高いインターナショナルスクールで、白金校は分校です。

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神奈川県葉山にある葉山インターナショナルスクールの新キャンパスが東京都港区白金台に開校します。白金台校は、2歳から6歳までを対象とし、2017年9月に開校予定です。葉山インターナショナルスクールは、Play, Think, and Learnを掲げ自主性、想像力、国際的視野など、人間力を育むスクールです。7/5一部修正

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