What is the CHIST School Info Session?
Chiyoda International School Tokyo (CHIST) is scheduled to open in April 2018.
As soon as their website was released in this April, reservations for the school info sessions started flooding in and were fully booked in a matter of seconds.
Although only three sessions were initially planned, with a lot of requests, it got bumped up to a total of 16 sessions.

The CHIST logo is a red butterfly.
Members of the editorial department were given the opportunity to attend the info session, and here is what we learnt at the session.
The CHIST school building, north of the Chiyoda Jogakuen, is currently under construction and covered by a tarp.
The School Info Session
The CHIST school info session took place at the Chiyoda Jogakuen in Yonbancho Chiyoda-ku, right next to the CHIST school building.
The session was filled with enthusiastic participants.
Mr. Osako, who will become the CHIST Head of School, gave a presentation on Education at CHIST, including UbT&UbC, High-Literacy programme as well as the benefits that international schools can offer to children.
What is Global Education?
“Before leaning about international schools, it is important to understand what global education is.” Said Mr. Osako.
After presenting the features of global education, Mr. Osako introduced the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme as the most-highly-regarded global education curriculum.
Mr. Osako explaining "What is understanding?"
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is known as one of the best educational system based on its great learning philosophy all over the world.
The IB is often associated with elitist education due to its tough grading system and high academic achievements, but that is just one perspective.
He explains that the true nature of the IB lies in its "leaning."
So what is the "learning" in IB education exactly?
The IB Mission Statement
The IB is an all-round education. It is also clearly stated in their mission statement.
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
The "Mission" page of the IB website is one of the most shared pages on social media.
The IB learner profile was developed based on this mission statement.
■Learner Profile
Based on these principles, the IB was developed as a curriculum for everyone with each unique background can enjoy.
A number of countries implement the IB today, and many people have been learning through its global education curriculum.
Introducing the gymnasium.
At CHIST, students can study the global standard curriculum from elementary school to high school.
Mr. Osako stresses the importance of consistency of education.
It is required to have a strong will that you stay in the global education curriculum for whole twelve years, rather than attending schools with different educational philosophy.
CHIST: A New Form of International School
The uniqueness of CHIST lies in the fact that it blends the successful methods of traditional Japanese curriculum and global standard education programme.
The editorial department was especially interested in the “blending”.
This can only be achieved by a person who has expertise in both global education and Japanese education.

From his own experiences, Mr. Osako explains the importance of blending the effective parts of Japanese education and global education that has more focus on “inquiring”.
Take international school education to the next level by bringing positive aspects from the Japanese education; that is what Mr. Osako aims to realise.
Elementary School Principal Dr. Fitzpatrick and Curriculum Coordinator Ms. Lessaris.
It is a project to release this outstanding, made-in-Japan global education to the world.
Increasing Level of Expectations
Right next to the venue of the school info session is where the CHIST school building will be.
The editorial department has been featuring the project ever since it was announced, and expectations of the school has never been higher.
As we started to publish articles on CHIST including the construction site, announcement of Mr. Osako's position at the school, its global standard curriculum, and info sessions, we have been receiving many inquiries about the school.
One common thing that we feel through communication with the parents contacting us is high expectation.
Mr. Niwa from the CHIST Preparatory Office explains the age eligibility for 2018-2019 and grades of students enrolling in April 2018.
The info session is the first opportunity for parents to “feel” CHIST.
After the presentation on education at CHIST, Mr. Osako closed the session by discussing "What is school.
A model of the school building and Mr. Osako's written works about the IB.
Mr. Osako's speech about global education was beyond the explanation of CHIST. It made us think about what is crucial and essential in our children's education right now.

If you want to know more about CHIST, feel free to attend their upcoming info sessions.
2017 Information Session Schedule
CHIST school info sessions will take place at Ariake Campus, Musashino University
Venue: Ariake Campus
Address: 3-3-3, Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo

School Info Sessions
7/25 (Tue) morning※, afternoon※, evening※
8/11 (Fri) 13:30-16:15 (CHIST Educational Lecture & School Info Session)
8/26 (Sat) morning※, afternoon※, evening※
9/7(Thu) morning※,afternoon※,evening※
(※ Fully Booked)
Chiyoda International School Tokyo (CHIST) Preparatory Office
CHIST│Chiyoda International School Tokyo│千代田インターナショナルスクール東京
https://www.chist.jp/Chiyoda International School Tokyo (CHIST) is going to start as a new international education base in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; the political and financial center of Japan.