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IUHW School of Medicine Offers New Special Scholarship

IUHW School of Medicine Offers New Special Scholarship

International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine started new special recruitment process for international students aiming at talented international students both in Japan and abroad. Accepted students will be offered a full or half waiver of the tuition fees depending on their scores.


IUHW School of Medicine Offers New Special Scholarship for International Students

The bldg. of IUHW School of Medicine, Narita, Japan

International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) School of Medicine, located in Narita Japan, started new special recruitment process for international students aiming at talented international students both in Japan and abroad. Accepted students will be offered full or half waiver of the tuition fees depending on their scores.

Foreign nationals with diploma recipients of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)or International Baccalaureate (IB) who meet the score standards set by IUHW are eligible to apply. Acceptance is based on the application documents, the essay and the interview. Acceptable languages are English and Japanese. The application period will start on Tuesday, 26th October, and end on Friday 5th November.

Online examination will be allowed for students in countries and areas affected by travel restriction to the spread of Covid-19, and are thus unable to travel to Japan for the in-person examination.

Entrance Examination of Special Medical Scholarship Programs for International Students


国際医療福祉大学 成田キャンパスのホームページです。成田キャンパスで学べる3つの学部、6つの学科をご紹介します。


FAQs about The Entrance Examination of Special Medical Scholarship Programs for International Students.

Q. When is the enrollment period?

A. The enrollment period is in April 2022.
翌年 2022 年 4 月入学です。

Q. Is it possible to obtain the past exam papers for this entrance examination?

A. As this is a new entrance examination, there are no past exam papers available.

Q. Where is the exam venue?

A. The exam venue is the IUHW Tokyo Akasaka Campus. Please refer to the application guidelines in details.

Q. Can I take the essay and the interview in English?

A. Yes, you can.
You can choose to take the essay exam in “Japanese”, “English”, or “both Japanese and English”. If you choose to answer the essay exam in both Japanese and English and receive a high evaluation, you will receive additional points.
Applicants can choose to take the interview in either Japanese or English. However, even if you choose to take the interview in Japanese, some parts of interview sessions will be conducted in English.
For both the essay and the interview, please select the language when you apply.


Q. Is there any advantage or disadvantage between the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and International Baccalaureate (IB) in terms of application requirement?

A. There is no advantage or disadvantage. The EJU and IB scores listed in the application requirements are the minimum standards for application. The final decision of admission will be made based not only on the EJU and IB scores, but also on the other documents submitted by applicants and the results of the essay and interview conducted on the day of the examination. Therefore, it is recommended that you submit the scores of various examinations as much as possible.

▽ For more information, please visit IUHW website.

About IUHW

IUHW was founded in 1995 with the objective of nurturing health and welfare specialists and raising their status. In 2017, IUHW School of Medicine was established to provide medical education of a global standard unprecedented in Japan and to nurture highly capable general practitioners both domestically and outside Japan. We have the largest proportion of international students among all medical schools in Japan; 20 out of 140 students in each year are international students.
In IUHW School of Medicine, many lectures in the first and second year are given in English.

▽ For more information, please visit IUHW website or contact with school admission office.

Website: https://narita.iuhw.ac.jp/gakubu/igakubu/admission/foreigners.html
Admissions Office
Phone: +81-476-20-7810
E-mail: admission@iuhw.ac.jp






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