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How is technology embedded into learning at Canadian Academy?

How is technology embedded into learning at Canadian Academy?

Have you wondered how we integrate technology into our learning? At Canadian Academy, we see the use of technology everywhere: in Music, Design, PE classes, and more!

Technology in Elementary School at Canadian Academy

‘The goal of learning is inquiry, not mastery of digital tools.

The tools should be ways to express ideas as a result of the inquiry process.

It is important for the students to know how to select a suitable way for them.’

As Ms. Shigeta, the ICT Integration Specialist says, we are aware that the point of using technology in education is more about developing students’ digital literacy, understanding how and in what context to use technology, rather than teaching them how to use digital tools.

Here are some examples of the use of technology from Ms. Shigeta’s class.

She often collaborates with the class teachers and music/art teachers and incorporates Units from each class.

In elementary school’s Music class, our students practiced digital music composition.

This lesson was designed to extend the students’ learning about elements and layers of music.

The digital composition tool helped the students to visually understand how different music elements work together.

Also, the tool gave them a new way of expressing themselves through music.

Our grade 5 students learned how to edit images in their Visual Art class.

They combined elements from different photos and changed the background.

These digital skills are connected with the students’ learning about the concept of background and foreground.

While teaching this lesson, Ms. Shigeta aimed to introduce a critical perspective on media consumption.

She believes digital skills enable the students to have a perspective as creators, and makes it possible for them to think critically about digitally modified images.

Technology in Secondary School at Canadian Academy

‘How do we use technology to solve a problem? That is the point.

In Design class, we follow the Design Cycle.

It starts with Inquiry and Analysis followed by Developing Ideas, Creating the Solution and Evaluating the Results.

The technology and skills help to create the solution of authentic problems related to local and global context.’

A secondary school Design teacher, Mr. Ryszawy explains the idea behind the usage of technology at school.

An example from his Design class is the ‘Cookbook for a Specific Client’ project.

Our grade 7 students created a recipe book from scratch.

In this project, the starting point was to understand that not all cookbooks are suitable for every user.

The students analyzed the dietary needs, preferences, lifestyles, resources, skills, and backgrounds of a particular client and created a cookbook to suit their needs.

While working on this project, the students needed photography, graphic design, publishing, material processing, and many other skills.

Another example from Mr. Ryszawy’s Design class is the ‘Reimagining School Spaces’ project with our Grade 10 students.

While working on this project, the students had the opportunity to reimagine certain areas within the school.

They used their creativity and real-life experience to further enhance their CA environment by creating attractive learning and community spaces on our campus.

These are just a few examples of how we embed technology into learning at Canadian Academy, where the students develop their digital skills, and more importantly, their digital literacy.

Our students embrace a wide range of tech resources, including access to experienced teachers and cutting-edge equipment.


Canadian Academy
4-1 Koyo cho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032, Japan



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BST - 国際バカロレア (IBDP)候補校へ Year12およびYear13

ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン東京(以下、BST)は、Year 12およびYear 13の生徒向けにAレベルカリキュラムから国際バカロレア・ディプロマプログラム(IBDP)への移行を進めています。

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BST - A candidate school for IBDP for Years 12 and 13

The British School in Tokyo (BST) aims to transition from the A Level curriculum to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) for students in Years 12 and 13.

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BST welcomes the new Principal, Mr Ian Clayton

The British School in Tokyo welcomes the arrival of its new Principal, Mr Ian Clayton, starting from Term 3 of 2023-2024 academic year.



ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン東京(BST)は、2023-2024年度 第3学期よりイアン・クレイトンを新学校長として迎えました。BSTは、2024年に麻布台に新キャンパスを開校しました。昭和キャンパスでは、昭和女子大学附属中学校・高等学校との連携しています。1989年の創立から35年。次なる動きです。

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カナディアン・アカデミーで実践されている「Social Emotional Learning」とは?

ソーシャル・エモーショナルラーニング (Social-Emotional Learning) をご存知でしょうか?ソーシャル・エモーショナルラーニングとは、自分の感情を理解したり、周りの人と良い人間関係を築く練習をしたりする学習です。例えば、感情を表すたくさんの言葉の中から自分の気持ちに合うものを選んでそれを伝えたり、周りの友達が困っているときに何と声をかけたら良いかを話し合ったり、といったことをします。日本語では「社会的・情動的学習」とも呼ばれます。




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BST - 国際バカロレア (IBDP)候補校へ Year12およびYear13

BST - 国際バカロレア (IBDP)候補校へ Year12およびYear13

ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン東京(以下、BST)は、Year 12およびYear 13の生徒向けにAレベルカリキュラムから国際バカロレア・ディプロマプログラム(IBDP)への移行を進めています。

BST - A candidate school for IBDP for Years 12 and 13

BST - A candidate school for IBDP for Years 12 and 13

The British School in Tokyo (BST) aims to transition from the A Level curriculum to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) for students in Years 12 and 13.

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Brighton College (Singapore) interview with Head of College, Mr Nick Davies.

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