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[School Report]: K3 and K4 Unit of Inquiry “How the World Works”

[School Report]: K3 and K4 Unit of Inquiry “How the World Works”

Aoba students have been inquiring into how the changes in the weather and seasons in PYP classes.

The children in our K3 and K4 classes at both Meguro and Hikarigaoka campuses spent the last two months inquiring into how the changes in the weather and seasons affect us in different ways. As part of their summative task, the children demonstrated their understandings of the observable changes that come with the various weather and seasons, as well as how these changes affect our behaviour. What kind of clothing and items do we wear in different weather conditions? What kind of activities might we do according to the seasons? These were some of the questions that we explored.



【School Tour】Chiyoda International School is finally complete!

【School Tour】Chiyoda International School is finally complete!

After much long-awaited anticipation, the Chiyoda International School campus is finally built and is scheduled to open in April, 2018.

Interview with Dr. Margaret,Elementary School Principal of CHIST

Interview with Dr. Margaret,Elementary School Principal of CHIST

We were able to interview Chiyoda International School Tokyo’s elementary school principal, Dr. Margaret Fitzpatrick.

Hayama International School Expands to Shirokanedai

Hayama International School Expands to Shirokanedai

Hatayama International School’s new campus houses children from ages 2 to 6, and is due to open in Shirokanedai Minato-ku, Tokyo on September 2017.

[School Report]A-JIS, The Spring Carnival 2017

[School Report]A-JIS, The Spring Carnival 2017

The A-JIS annual Spring Carnival 2017 took place last Saturday, April, 22th, at our Hikarigaoka Campus.

[School Report] A-JIS Transforming Education Symposium (2) 2017

[School Report] A-JIS Transforming Education Symposium (2) 2017

Students of Aoba Japan International School were asked what they felt should be the purpose of education. Out of a pool of ideas, a concern materialize.




2024年4月21日12:00 から渋谷で開催。本イベントは、スイスに本拠地がある世界最大の国際教育企業のEFが主催するイベントです。EFは、アメリカにボーディングスクールであるEF Academy を開校させました。同校の説明会のゲストで薄井シンシアさんが登壇します。気になる子育てのヒント、国際教育の始め方、日ごろ子どもとの会話の仕方など聞くことができるイベントです。




4/14(日)20時から 東大博士号ママと考える海外サマースクール~多文化スイッチをONに~

4/14(日)20時から 東大博士号ママと考える海外サマースクール~多文化スイッチをONに~


[Special Report] Epsom College Seeks Partners to Establish Its Japanese School!

[Special Report] Epsom College Seeks Partners to Establish Its Japanese School!

Epsom College in Malaysia is the only sister school of Epsom College in the UK, which boasts a 150-year tradition. We are currently seeking partners to open an Epsom College in Japan.

【特報!】エプソム・カレッジが日本校 開校予定地のパートナー募集

【特報!】エプソム・カレッジが日本校 開校予定地のパートナー募集

【特報!】エプソム・カレッジが日本校 開校予定地のパートナー募集! 150 年以上にわたる歴史を持つ英国のエプソム・カレッジ。日本校開校計画をインターナショナルスクールタイムズで独占公表をしました。海外にはマレーシアに分校があり、高い実績と共に日本における開校予定地のパートナーを募集します。 本件は、インターナショナルスクールの誘致を希望する土地・建物をお持ちのデベロッパーをはじめ幅広い募集です。国際金融特区やIT特区などの自治体、大学、学校など教育機関、企業など幅広い視点からパートナーを募集を募ります。