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【School Tour】Chiyoda International School is finally complete!

【School Tour】Chiyoda International School is finally complete!

After much long-awaited anticipation, the Chiyoda International School campus is finally built and is scheduled to open in April, 2018.

Chiyoda International School campus is finally complete!

The Chiyoda International School building is finally ready to open its doors in April, 2018.

The school is preparing for its grand opening, and is planning school tours for those who are interested.

▼The editorial team has been following their progress from the beginning. It is usually rare to have the opportunity to cover an international school’s progress from start to finish.

千代田インターナショナルスクール東京(通称CHIST) 一足早く建築現場を見せていただきました。



School Tour: A look inside the school grounds

The school plans to hold 3 School Tour sessions, one of them being on the 23rd of December which is already full. 

They are currently accepting applications for the school tour in January.

January 13th (Sat)
January 20th (Sat)

The December 23rd school tour is fully booked, but spots in January are still open.

Basketball court in the Gymnasium

Many were looking forward to see what the finished product was going to look like, upon seeing the architectural plan. It’s not so often for a school to hold a tour before their official opening.

スクールツアーお申込はこちら。 CHIST[Chiyoda International School Tokyo]



Middle school and high school are planned to open in April, 2019.

Grades 1 to 5 will be available for children to attend at CHIST in April, 2018. The following year in 2019, both middle school and high school are scheduled to be added. 

According to studies, CHIST is the first school in East Japan to open grades 1 through 12 within a span of only two years.

As we approach the 2020 Tokyo Olympics it looks like Chiyoda International School will play an important role in bringing international education infrastructure to the community.

Contact Information

Chiyoda International School Tokyo
Email: chist@musashino-u.ac.jp



Chiyoda International School Tokyo (CHIST) is going to start as a new international education base in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; the political and financial center of Japan.

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海外名門大学はなぜ学力以外の要素を重視するのか?総合選抜型は国内でも増えていますが、海外では一般的な選抜方法です。今回、「海外名門大学はなぜ学力以外の要素を重視するのか~子どもの潜在能力の引き出し方、伸ばし方」をテーマに開催します「帰国子女アカデミー」KAISインターナショナルスクールの創設者チャールズ・カヌーセン氏、英国エプソムカレッジ出身で母校のマレーシア校設立、運営にかかわる教育投資会社「EDUC8」のCEOマーク・ランカスター氏、西町インターナショナルスクール、アメリカンスクールを卒業し米国系金融機関などを経て、現在は英語教育にかかわるGlobal Step Academy代表取締役のモントゴメリー道緒氏が登壇します。


