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The British School in Tokyo begins its art project with world renowned Japanese artist, Satoru Aoyama

The British School in Tokyo begins its art project with world renowned Japanese artist, Satoru Aoyama

The British School in Tokyo (BST) officially started its ‘Artist in Residence’ project with esteemed Japanese artist Satoru Aoyama. This is the first time that BST students will work directly with the world renowned Japanese artist.

Led by Satoru Aoyama and participated by selected BST Primary and Secondary students,
the art project ‘Artist in Residence’ starts in September 2022 and will last to April 2023. The
project consists of eight workshop and tutorial sessions, each session developing the
concepts and skills from the previous session.

Through the ‘Artist in Residence’ project, students will learn the creative process from the
artist Satoru Aoyama and will be encouraged to develop their own work under the theme
of diversity, in collaboration with the Artist. The final piece of artwork, a Diversity Map with
Clocks, will be exhibited at BST’s new Primary School campus at Toranomon Azabudai,
Tokyo after its opening in September 2023.

《Planning Drawings for BST’s “Diversity Map” #1》

Mr Paul Tough, Principal of The British School in Tokyo, said:

I am thrilled that Aoyama san has agreed to be BST’s first “Artist in Residence”. This is a
rare opportunity, and BST’s talented students will benefit immensely from Aoyama san’s
expert guidance. The collaboration promises to produce an excellent piece of art reflective
of our community’s diversity and the school’s unique connection to Japan. We are hugely
grateful for the support of the BST Annual Fund in making this project happen.

Satoru Aoyama, the Artist, said:

I'm very excited to work with students in BST. The final work will be large in scale, free,
and reflect the diversity of modern society.

The ‘Artist in Residence’ project is funded by BST’s Annual Fund. The BST Annual Fund
aims to enhance learning experiences and provide additional highly motivating
opportunities for BST students from both the Primary and Secondary Schools.

About The British School in Tokyo

The British School in Tokyo was founded in 1989. In the past 33 years it has continually
grown and flourished, with a commitment to excellence – delivering education founded in
the English National Curriculum and embracing all that our uniquely international and
Japanese setting provides.

BST currently provides world-class education to over 1000 students representing over 60
nationalities in our two campuses within Tokyo, starting with Nursery classes for children
aged 3 through to Year 13 aged 18 years old. BST developed a reputation as one of the
best international schools in Japan, and its students transfer to leading universities

The School’s mission is to nurture each student’s unique potential and strive to help them
create a strong sense of self built around purpose and passion. While the School aims to
develop the following values:

● We strive to achieve our personal best.
● We are honest and show kindness, compassion and respect for others.
● We are curious, creative and innovative in our thinking.
● We embrace diversity and celebrate individuality.
● We are internationally minded and culturally aware.
● We have a sense of social and environmental responsibility.

Satoru Aoyama

Photography by Katsuyoshi Motono

Born 1973 in Tokyo. BA in textiles from Goldsmiths College, University of London in 1998;
MFA in fiber and material study from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2001.
Lives and works in Tokyo. Employing an industrial-use sewing machine, presents
numerous works.

BST Annual Fund

The Annual Fund exists exclusively to enhance learning experience and provide additional
highly motivating opportunities for BST students from Primary to Secondary that could not
otherwise be funded.

The Annual Fund’s annual campaign runs from October to February each year. Teachers,
students and parents are invited to submit ideas and projects for investment from the BST
Annual Fund throughout the academic year.

Funding proposals are submitted to the Annual Fund Allocation Committee which is
comprised of The principal, Bursar, Education Committee representative and Development
Committee representative of the Trustees.

Any kind of gifts will be welcomed and gratefully received at any time of the year and will
always have an impact.

BST New Primary School at Toranomon Azabudai, Tokyo

The British School in Tokyo’s new Primary campus will be located in Toranomon-Azabudai,
Tokyo.The new campus will open its doors to students in September 2023, in ToranomonAzabudai, Tokyo, approval in process.

The new Primary School will cater for the needs of children from Nursery (3 years old) to
Year 6 (11 years old). This exciting development will see Primary children from BST’s
current Showa and Shibuya campuses united on one campus.



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BST welcomes the new Principal, Mr Ian Clayton

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ブリティシュスクール イン東京の麻布台ヒルズキャンパスがオープニング記念式典を開催

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8/20(金)キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール幼稚部の夏祭りイベントがShibuya Sakura Stageにて開催

8/20(金)キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール幼稚部の夏祭りイベントがShibuya Sakura Stageにて開催

キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール幼稚部の夏祭りが渋谷のShibuya Sakura Stageで開催されます。国際バカロレア一貫校を目指す同校は、すでに幼稚部、小学部、中学部、アフタースクールが開校しています。同校がShibuya Sakura Stageに今年開校したCTISキンダーガーテン渋谷の初めての地域イベントです。

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東京ウエストインターナショナルスクール 座間校を2025年4月に開校へ


【速報!】25年9月開校 英国 国際バカロレアトップ校 ノースロンドンが神戸に開校へ

【速報!】25年9月開校 英国 国際バカロレアトップ校 ノースロンドンが神戸に開校へ

25年9月開校 英国 国際バカロレアトップ校 ノースロンドンが神戸に開校へ ノースロンドンカレッジスクール神戸校が2025年9月に開校することが決まりました。2025年9月から小中が開校し、2028年中高の新校舎は、六甲山・国立公園を予定しています。建築家ミケーレ・デ・ルッキ氏が設計を担当する計画です。ノースロンドンカレッジは、神戸校の開校により、英国、シンガポール、韓国、UAE、ベトナムと合わせて6カ国に開校することになります。本記事は、随時更新されます。