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How diverse are we at Canadian Academy?

How diverse are we at Canadian Academy?

Diversity is one of the keywords that represent Canadian Academy. Let’s look at different aspects of our diversity, from nationalities and languages to university pathways.

How diverse are we at Canadian Academy?

Kinder students

Hello! Konnichiwa! Hallo! Bon jour!
It's not unusual to hear a wide variety of languages being spoken in our hallways and playgrounds.
Can you guess how many languages are spoken within our Canadian Academy community? Diversity is one of the keywords that represent our school, but we imagine not everyone is aware of how exactly diverse we are.
Let’s look at different aspects of our diversity, from nationalities and languages to university pathways.

Nationalities and languages

Elementary students

We are very fortunate to have started the 2022-2023 academic year with more than 40 nationalities in the student body.
The largest demographic group comes from North America, followed by East Asia, along with Japan, which is our host country. We also welcome students from the countries and regions of Oceania, Europe, Latin America, South/South East Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Not surprisingly, we often hear various languages in the school building. In fact, at least 15 languages are spoken within our community!

Middle school students

Faculty and staff members at Canadian Academy make the community even more diverse.
Our faculty has 19 nationalities, and we all come from various international backgrounds, having lived and worked in countries all over the world.
This diversity has enabled us to continue being an inclusive learning community, whilst all faculty and staff members are also role models for the students to develop international mindedness.

International celebrations

International Fun Fair

Canadian Academy and the PTA foster diversity through a range of international events and celebrations.
One of the most popular events is our International Food and Fun Fair. At this event, all members of the community enjoy food from around the world while a wide variety of games and activities keep them entertained.
Examples of celebrations include Pink Day, a Canadian anti-bullying day when people wear pink, and Dia de los Muertos from Mexico, when people show respect to people in the past.
In addition to events and celebrations, the idea of international-mindedness and what it means to be a global citizen are embedded in the lessons and experiences our students have.

Diversity in university pathways


Students at Canadian Academy pursue various university pathways.
Canadian Academy graduates from the class of 2022 will attend a wide range of universities spanning 7 countries. Among 44 students that graduated this summer, about half of them chose to enter universities in North America.
In addition, a significant portion of students decided to enroll in universities in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, including Japan.
Now that the new school year has begun and we welcomed many new members to the school community, we are thrilled to further develop as a diverse community.


If you would like to learn more about Canadian Academy, please get in touch via our website!

Canadian Academy
4-1 Koyo cho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032, Japan


Canadian Academy IB School


BST - 国際バカロレア (IBDP)候補校へ Year12およびYear13

BST - 国際バカロレア (IBDP)候補校へ Year12およびYear13

ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン東京(以下、BST)は、Year 12およびYear 13の生徒向けにAレベルカリキュラムから国際バカロレア・ディプロマプログラム(IBDP)への移行を進めています。

BST - A candidate school for IBDP for Years 12 and 13

BST - A candidate school for IBDP for Years 12 and 13

The British School in Tokyo (BST) aims to transition from the A Level curriculum to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) for students in Years 12 and 13.

カナディアン・アカデミーで実践されている「Social Emotional Learning」とは?

カナディアン・アカデミーで実践されている「Social Emotional Learning」とは?

ソーシャル・エモーショナルラーニング (Social-Emotional Learning) をご存知でしょうか?ソーシャル・エモーショナルラーニングとは、自分の感情を理解したり、周りの人と良い人間関係を築く練習をしたりする学習です。例えば、感情を表すたくさんの言葉の中から自分の気持ちに合うものを選んでそれを伝えたり、周りの友達が困っているときに何と声をかけたら良いかを話し合ったり、といったことをします。日本語では「社会的・情動的学習」とも呼ばれます。

How is technology embedded into learning at Canadian Academy?

How is technology embedded into learning at Canadian Academy?

Have you wondered how we integrate technology into our learning? At Canadian Academy, we see the use of technology everywhere: in Music, Design, PE classes, and more!

Fun Science at Canadian Academy

Fun Science at Canadian Academy

‘Science education is one of the reasons why I highly value Canadian Academy.’ - a CA parent, as well as an alumnus, says. Indeed, we are proud of our Science program, which fosters students’ critical inquiry and life-long learning. Here are some points that make our Science program stand out.


サレジアン国際学園小学校 大橋学園長インタビュー

サレジアン国際学園小学校 大橋学園長インタビュー


世界規模のVEXロボティクス大会 セントメリーズ・インターナショナルスクールで開催

世界規模のVEXロボティクス大会 セントメリーズ・インターナショナルスクールで開催


国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム PYPとはどのような学びなのか? キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクールの探究学習

国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム PYPとはどのような学びなのか? キャピタル東京インターナショナルスクールの探究学習

多くのインターナショナルスクールで採用されている国際バカロレアという教育プログラムですが、探究学習を取り入れた授業が人気の初等教育プログラムPYP(プライマリーイヤーズプログラム)では、実際にどのような授業が行われているのでしょうか? 今回は港区にあるキャピタル東京インターナショナルスクール(以下CTIS)を訪れ、5年生のユニットの授業を見学させていただきました。




【速報!】26年4月 サレジアン国際学園小学校開校へ インターナショナルクラスも

【速報!】26年4月 サレジアン国際学園小学校開校へ インターナショナルクラスも
