Wednesday 1st March 2017: New teacher Wendy Lowe, School Counsellor Hideo Takamizawa and Secondary Principal Robert Thorn, paid a visit to neighbouring school Hikarigaoka Harunokose Primary School to observe classes, discuss ideas and attend the school’s farewell to their graduating classes. The school is impressively run with happy young people and enthusiastic teachers. In the pictures, you can see us being asked about our national flags. Many of the children were quite well travelled and managed to talk to us in English.
We will continue to build friendships and partnerships with our local neighbours and share what we can in our pursuit to create positive change in our world.
Aoba-Japan International School
[Hikarigaoka Campus]
7-5-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0072
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Phone: 03-6904-3102
Fax: 03-5997-0091
[Meguro Campus]
2-11-5 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 03-5428-4488
Fax: 03-5456-1800
Contact Us - Aoba-Japan International School - Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Tokyo
http://www.japaninternationalschool.com/contact-us/Hikarigaoka Campus (PDF Map) 7-5-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0072 Phone: 03-6904-3102 Fax: 03-5997-0091 Meguro Campus (PDF Map) 2-11-5 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042 Phone: 03-5428-4488 Direct Email Form

Japan International School - Aoba-Japan International School - Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Tokyo
http://www.japaninternationalschool.com/Founded in 1976, Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS) is a secular school, welcoming and respecting families from all nationalities and religions.
[School Report] A-JIS Transforming Education Symposium (2) 2017
http://istimes.net/articles/907Students of Aoba Japan International School were asked what they felt should be the purpose of education. Out of a pool of ideas, a concern materialize.

[School Report] A-JIS:Transforming Education Symposium (1)
http://istimes.net/articles/887Last week saw MYP learners taking part in the first of our Transforming Education Symposia (TES1). This event was a practice run for the TES2.