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 [School Report] A-JIS:Transforming Education Symposium (1)

[School Report] A-JIS:Transforming Education Symposium (1)

Last week saw MYP learners taking part in the first of our Transforming Education Symposia (TES1). This event was a practice run for the TES2.

Aoba-Japan International School

AOBA March 14:
Last week saw MYP learners taking part in the first of our Transforming Education Symposia (TES1). This event was a practice run for the TES2 to be held on Friday 14th April 2017.

TES1 was an internal event where learners from grades 5, 11 and 12 became the audience and critical friends for learners of grades 6-10. The symposium was divided into three main sessions.

Session 1 had groups of learners presenting ideas about education and proposals they were making for positive change in our school. Ideas ranged from adopting class pets to creating new classes to help learners identify their career goals and from introducing solar panels to creating a school supplies shop.

Session 2 was dedicated to a panel discussion with teachers and learners answering questions from the audience and discussing their opinions on education. The event was hosted by grade 11’s Maya Lopez and raised issues of creating a balance between stress to be successful in school and mental health and what the point of education really is.

Session 3 involved grades 11 and 12 mentoring small groups of learners from different grades towards setting goals for the school over the next months and years. The goals set were:

Creating more school clubs via new guidelines.
Providing time for learner choice of classes in middle school
Developing a conservatory stream
No uniform/Better uniform
More development of group learning in some classes
More access to goal-setting and careers/university guidance
First aid in each class
Perform an energy wastage analysis of the school to see ways to save resources.
Have nap-time like KG kids after lunch!
Have more classes with hands-on, creative activities
Rooftop gardens

We’d like to thank all the learners, teachers and staff who helped the symposium be the success it was. We have learnt a lot from the process and from the ideas presented by learners. From now to the end of the year, learners will be encouraged and supported to see through their proposals for change and gain success in improving life and learning in the school. Branching out from this, learners are invited to start creating proposals for taking wise action on issues they are concerned about in the wider community.

On Friday 14th April, TES2 will be held with invitation to parents, local educators and student representatives along with people involved in educational change in Japan and a television crew to record it all. Hope to see you there!

Aoba-Japan International School

[Hikarigaoka Campus]
7-5-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0072
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Phone: 03-6904-3102
Fax: 03-5997-0091

[Meguro Campus]
2-11-5 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 03-5428-4488
Fax: 03-5456-1800

Contact Us - Aoba-Japan International School - Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Tokyo


Hikarigaoka Campus (PDF Map) 7-5-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0072 Phone: 03-6904-3102 Fax: 03-5997-0091 Meguro Campus (PDF Map) 2-11-5 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042 Phone: 03-5428-4488 Direct Email Form

Japan International School - Aoba-Japan International School - Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Tokyo


Founded in 1976, Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS) is a secular school, welcoming and respecting families from all nationalities and religions.

[School Report] A-JIS Transforming Education Symposium (2) 2017


Students of Aoba Japan International School were asked what they felt should be the purpose of education. Out of a pool of ideas, a concern materialize.


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海外名門大学はなぜ学力以外の要素を重視するのか?総合選抜型は国内でも増えていますが、海外では一般的な選抜方法です。今回、「海外名門大学はなぜ学力以外の要素を重視するのか~子どもの潜在能力の引き出し方、伸ばし方」をテーマに開催します「帰国子女アカデミー」KAISインターナショナルスクールの創設者チャールズ・カヌーセン氏、英国エプソムカレッジ出身で母校のマレーシア校設立、運営にかかわる教育投資会社「EDUC8」のCEOマーク・ランカスター氏、西町インターナショナルスクール、アメリカンスクールを卒業し米国系金融機関などを経て、現在は英語教育にかかわるGlobal Step Academy代表取締役のモントゴメリー道緒氏が登壇します。


